Friday, May 30, 2014

A Cedar Waxwing Party At The Vermilon River.

 The Cedar Waxwing party was photographed in 26 C bright sunshine, while the humidity was 44 percent. I only went hiking because I keep trying to get into shape for a longer trek. We've gone from winter to summer in a quick leap and the mosquitoes and black flies are out in droves. Protective clothing only makes you warmer. In a nutshell, the hike looked like a disaster until I came on these Cedar Waxwing throwing a party on last years fruit in this tree. Stewart Monkton sent me a reference last year about the livers of the Cedar's and the Bohemian's. Their liver is especially adapted to high alcohol levels. They, after all, feed on fermented fruit, so they are really partying.


 I'll let you use the slideshow, as this is a long post. A post to: I's Rather Be Birdin,Our World Tuedsay, and WBW.

 This is a feeding sequence of two different birds.

Second Waxwing.


Wild Blueberries in bloom.

I'm not complaining about the insects because they bring on the wild flowers and fruit.
Along the trail edge, the dandelions and these miniature petunias,which we call Johnny-Jump-Ups, are in full flower. They come in several colour variations, and are about the size of your thumb nail.

Pin Cherries in bloom.

Pin Cherries



Johnny Jump-Ups

Pin Cherries

The mosquitoes are especially hard on Bobbi, probably attracted by his doggy scent, or even his blood type if he's an O-type,according to Wikipedia. I now walk at first light, and put his coat on him, which seems to help.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bright Colours At The Vermilon River.

 We've had rain warnings and floods, but despite the conditions, the weather has warmed in the last few days. All the flying critters are in fine colour, although I haven't seen many females at the gathering areas. Opposite a Chestnut-sided Warbler. Remember click for the slide show.
Male Redstart


 Now this male Ruby-Throat was a surprise because it is so cool. I love when they land in trees.

Male Tree Swallow in sun

In flight

Male Redstart.

Male Redstart


Showing full colours


Reverse direction

Chestnut-sided Warbler



In flight Redstart

Tree Swallow.


Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

 This is a series of a Common Grackle, not only for colour, but for humour as he grooms himself at the River's edge in a high wind. A post to: I'd Rather Be BirdinOur World TuesdayWBW.

This is not funny

I'm not really a character!! says Bobbi.