Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another Group of Friends from the Vermilon River. A Post to WBW.

As I mentioned in the previous post, the way to tell a Northern Crow from a Raven is the lack of the shaggy mane. Size is not a great indicator as this crow is pretty big also.

Profile of Crow.
Pretty impressive looking isn't he?

Same Crow
Notice the light reflection in his eye?

These are the same guys that I attract with the peanuts, and they're getting fairly use to Boom & I.

In Profile Again
If you look closely you can see the snow on his beak as they get their moisture from the snow an indication of their adaption to a northern climate.

Full Profile

Female RedPoll
 Again you can never get enough RedPolls.

Female RedPoll

Female RedPoll

Female RedPoll

Am. Goldfinch
Just as a change of pace I thought I'd include these American Goldfinch. Another splash of colour against the black of the crows. 
American Goldfinch



  1. Love 'em all. Keep 'em coming! :)

  2. Nice photos of the Crows and it looks like you have a great variety of birds around you.

  3. Fantastic images Gary. I am starting to really envy your lifestyle. Enjoy your hikes as the weather improves.

  4. I had noticed someone made a comment on an earlier post about the crow and it was your raven. So glad you have posted the difference.
    Here it's crows - loud and noisy. :)
    I just got my finch feeders ready today. My Mom thought she saw one. I'm anxious for their return.
    Wonderful set of images!

    Carletta@Round The Bend

  5. Nice photos Gary. I'm fortunate to have both Crow and Raven over and in my garden. Wish I had some Redpolls though.

  6. Excellent post and images again Gary.

  7. HE Is a fab looking crow! Love the redpolls and the the little gold finch!! All great birds

  8. Interesting to learn about the crow and raven. Love those Redpolls! I don't get to see those...so pretty!

  9. A great series of pictures. Redpolls are some of my favorites, but they have not showed up the last two winters.

  10. Hi Gary. An interesting tutorial on crow v ravens -- something I've always wonderd about. I love the red polls too -- the only time (maybe I said this before) I've ever seen them was in Port Aransas TX. Nobody there was too excited b/c they were quite common, but we don't have them in the Pacific Northwest, that I know of, so it was a first for us.

    Thank you!

  11. Hi Gary I just discovered your blog and have been moving thru the older postings. I am in awe of the amount of definition you are getting in the feathers of the crows and ravens. I would love you add you to my favorite blogs if that is okay?


  12. Great stuff Gary! I was out chasing Red Winged black birds today and I wish I was getting the feather definition your achieving. So I'm guessing this bird was a Hugin impostor then?

  13. Nice shots, Gary -- the crows are impressive, but I really love those little redpolls!

  14. Thanks teswisgirl for thr great compliments.

  15. Quite a lot mick and more as global warming increases.

  16. Thanks Andrew. Just retire to make time for nature!!

  17. Even the crows are big here Caretta,so they easy to confuse with ravens if you can't see the shaggy mane.

  18. I think most of my RedPolls have returned to the Tundra Adam.

  19. Alas, Mary my RedPolls have left for home.

  20. That's too bad Bill as they sure brighten winter.

  21. Ah, all those shots are so lovely!
    Crows are fascinating to me and the RedPoll & Finch are such beautiful birds too!

  22. They're sure interesting Sallie.

  23. Great Guy. Some of the change is because of the sigma 150-500mm lens.

  24. Sort of a junior Hugin, Springman.

  25. Thanks Pat. The RedPolls are a real welcome addition to winter.

  26. Amazing the colour they bring to the white winter landscape, Nicole.

  27. Love the textures of patterns on that RedPoll! Fascinating! And your crow seems to be more of a sooty black than ours which are shiny blue/black in summer (or seem to be) and just rich black in winter!

  28. The crows are just showing off in their posing now I think Greyscale Territory.

  29. No redpolls here- haven't made their way far enough west I suppose. Plenty of crows though!

  30. A nice post and great images. Super!

  31. Good captures of that all black bird - well done!

  32. Excellent shots of the Crow! I've been unable to achieve any decent photos of this bird_ he's too wary.

  33. Great post, Gary! Love your pictures of the Redpolls and you neat comparison of Crows vs Ravens. There is actually an article in eBird (3/22) about the distinction along with links to their vocaliztions.

  34. Lots of crows everywhere I think Mike.

  35. Thanks Fotokarusellen for the kind words.

  36. Thanks Hilke and I checked out ebird.

  37. There are crows in the woods at the ponds and they are HUGE but they never let me get a good shot of them. So, I shall simply enjoy your photos! And I do!

  38. Great photos.. I especially love the shots of the crow!

  39. Gorgeous photos indeed! Since I am very used to see crows in Istanbul, my favourite is the female Redpoll :)


  40. Enjoy him all you want EmptyNester. I notice he visits with his wife now.

  41. Hi MT. Well the RedPolls are from north of me and so are visitors here. So enjoy them before they go home and I have no more photos.
