Thursday, May 3, 2012

More New Trails of The Vermilon River. A Post to SWF.

 Although we've been on this trail before, we have never gone as far as we did today. The day was overcast with intermittent sunshine and then rain in the afternoon.Just about everything but the kitchen sink came down from the sky.. Click on Photos to enlarge and view slide show.
 The wetland is the south part of the east track wetland. The trail runs roughly along the edge although it meanders and actually runs almost parallel to small road. But we're such stalwart hikers we'll take the trail.
 The first series of scenes shows the wetland with the raised area on the far side which is the track we take into the beaver pond, the next wetland east. The area is beautiful, but the periphery is littered with garbage of the filthy human trash that live in this area.As I've said before they fear the forest, and inhabit only its periphery which shows their quality as well as their mettle. I never get tired of directly telling them that.
 As the wetland narrows the area becomes tundra, taiga or bog, whatever name you prefer. By that rock it will be tundra. Very few of you will ever see that as its the mark of the Boreal forest. This is a transitional forest, between the Boreal and the St Lawrence- Great Lakes forest to the south.
 The growth covered area is the tundra, which is wet today, and impassable. Its a haven for wildlife of all types. With the weather still cool we're also bug free.
 This area is open because its groomed for a snow mobile trail. You can see the damage the trail groomer does.
 The trail we're following is a black spruce forest with close growing trees that are quite high. Its fairly hard to take photos in, as the lighting is constantly changing with every twist and turn.
This is the actual trail, so some light gets through, which usually confuses the whole issue. Most of the photos today were taken with the 70-300mm with as high as an 800 ISO. The tree needles on the trail make for some pretty quiet movement.
 The Black-capped Chickadees were especially active. This little guy was actually digging out sawdust from this woodpecker hole.



Red-winged Blackbird.

Dark-eyed Junco bathed in Sunlight.

Song Sparrow.

Song Sparrow.

White-throated Sparrow.

White-throated Sparrow.

White-throated Sparrow.



 Now the new sightings begin. This is a Swanson's Thrush, just singing his heart out. The Robin is also a thrush, so he's in good company. Swanson's, and Hermit Thrush are difficult to distinguish. Both as well as Veerey's are here to complicate ID's..
 The Swanson's is a greeney grey on his back and buffy grey on his chest. The Hermit Thrush is reddish brown in his tail feathers and back. Its not helping that he is not showing me his back.
 I only found him because he was singing his heart out. Black spruce provide lots of protection for wildlife.
 I think the Tree Swallows are nesting now as this guy always checks on me when I pass.

Tree Swallow.

 I included more of the Purple Finch because he looks so great in the snow.

 I then ran into a small flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers that we chased around for a while.

 No sign off would be complete without these guys and their frolicking. I think I shot some in this position before. A Post to SWF @ http;//


  1. Gorgeous bird pics as always. And loving the squirrel.

  2. Fabulous pictures as usual. I love the one with the squirrel looking at you. Wonder what he/she is thinking?

  3. So much beauty - rain or not...

  4. always love those red squirrels.

  5. No need for fitness clubs when you have those gorgeous trails with gorgeous scenery to walk and view.

  6. Beautiful experience of such a nice place with very cute birds.

  7. Peaceful skies and I love that singing thrush! But then I always love your bird shots and, of course, Mr. Busy Tail sunning himself on the limb! Fun ones as always, Gary! Enjoy your weekend!


  8. I'd love to be in a real forest like that someday.
    Thanks for the guided walk.

  9. You've captured such a great variety of animals!

    1. Your photos are creating the feeling of being hiking with you! Wonderful.

  10. Some cracking photos there Gary. Very nice bird shots. the landscapes you live in are stunning.

  11. I love the reflections you captured in some of these shots. Looks like a lovely walk even if the sky did open up and pour on you. Your bird and other wildlife shots are fantastic.

  12. Your bird shots are always PERFECT! I love your red squirrels!

  13. Så fantastisk vacker natur och underbara bilder på fåglarna!

  14. this is really a beautiful spot. pity that humans continue to litter. don't we ever learn?

  15. It feels almost like home, here, where I live, The fourth photo made me think you'd been here, in Norway, to take it.
    The biggest difference is the variety of birds, some of them are unknown to mee.
    Thank you, for great pictures, once more .
    Best wishes
    Mormor Norway

  16. so many beautiful birds...I love the purple lovely.

  17. Wow!Plenty of birds here.

  18. Wonderful walking trails.

  19. Great birds and lovely scenery. Beautiful photos.

  20. Is that Boomer in your header. He's gorgeous. What is he? A husky?

    1. That's Boomer alright!! He's an Alaskan Malamute, one of the many husky breeds.

  21. Beautiful shots - it sounds like a Colorado spring day, with every type of weather!

  22. lovely skies and birds. i particularly love your squirrel shots.

  23. I always enjoy the images from your part of the world.

  24. Hi there - nice set of pictures - although the snow mobile trail is not a good look!

    Stewart M - Australia

    PS: thanks for the visit and comment.

  25. Such a treat to see these beautiful photos.

    Sunlight Cross, have a great weekend!

  26. Beautiful pictures, the purple finches are my favorite.

  27. Thank you for taking on this trail Garry ... I love those little chickadees

  28. A very good serie!
    Lovely to see!

  29. All these colourful birds are wonderful.

  30. All your new trails are quite productive. I wonder why I don't have that chance. Maybe cause we have less species ;-)

  31. a very nice documentary on the wildlife there !

  32. You got some great shots, Gary! How beautiful this place looks! I would love to explore Canada!

  33. What a great place to roam and enjoy nature. You have plenty of the same birds we have out here. I love to hear them sing so heartily. MB

  34. I also meant to say that your skies look quite like ours. LOL MB

  35. I recognize some of that same grey sky and soft green on the birch trees down here too. Always enjoy your bird 'review' especially the song sparrow's feather configuration.
    Happy weekend!

  36. Great post and beautiful photos as always.
    For the first time this year I saw a swallow today.

  37. Great shots, Gary! I enjoyed to see them!

  38. Fascinating series of scenes of a wetland!

    Wonderful pictures of small birds and squirrels!

    Thanks for sharing

  39. Fun to watch birds, animals and nature from other countries, here you have photographed several birds that we don't have here in Norway.
    Exciting to follow your blog.

    Have a nice weekend.


  40. Many great photos! The nature is fantastic!

  41. Wonderful post, Gary!

  42. Loved all the photos and identification! Thanks!

  43. I'd love to hear that thrush singing, but best of all I'd like to hear you telling off the people who litter the forest's edge. You go, Gary! Give 'em what-for.

  44. Wet or not the pictures still show the beauty of the place !
    I love your squirrel pictures, they are soooo cute !

  45. Glad to have virtually participated in your hike,great post as usual,Garry!

  46. It's so wonderful to see different species you captured each week. I love the Purple Finch. Have a great week!

  47. You have posted an amazing collection of critters. We have lots of sparrows around here, but I still haven't seen the white throated variety.

  48. That snowmobile damage is rather sobering.

  49. Fantastic little birds. So colourful. I love the squirrel pic too.

  50. beautiful birds, great shots :-) love them :-) Dropping by from Camera Critters
