Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fall Robins of The Vermilon River. A Post to Camera-Critters # 146.


 The bottom photo is from the west trail on the Vermilon River. The other from the east track area. I understand these guys will stay until the berries are finished. They're probably long gone now as there are no berries left and it's finally cold, although there is not much snow on the ground. ( Written in late Nov.)

One of the most common and well adapted birds in Ontario, the Robin is our harbinger of spring and lives in all terrains from cities to forests like this one.

Here are a few facts about the Robin:
1) The Robin is one of the first birds to sing in the morning.
2) They will roost,along with other birds like starlings or blackbirds, in flocks up to 250M birds. It's unclear whether this is a social thing or merely a getting together to avoid predators ,or obtain food.
3) The Robin has an expandable esophagus to allow for food storage.
4) The Robin is a dedicated worker making up to 180 trips per day to build its nest.

The most astounding fact is the Robin is not a Robin at all , but a member of the thrush family, and is the largest one at that.

All fact are from: Who's Who in The Hinterland.

A Post to Camera-Critters #146 @


  1. Don't we love to hear the 'first' robin of the season, Spring is finally here, it echoes!!!
    Love the robin, so common but so special too...

  2. Hi Bonifer. That's the message I haven't heard yet.

  3. Hi CS. Thanks for the visit, and kind words.

  4. Lovely pictures. I love to photograph robins. Ann

  5. To Ann. I think they're under rated. Don't you?

  6. I thought it seemed to be a trush, and it was. :)
    It is the first winter I can remember when we have no trush here. None of them are around. And I miss them. Ours don´t have that much color.

  7. Great shots! I have one Robin hanging around looking really miserable...especially when the waxwings showed up today to eat some of HIS crab apples.

  8. I confess. We have your robins down here in the Ozarks. We have robins throughout the winter, sometimes just a few and sometimes in large numbers. This year I'm seeing just a few and hoping that's not a sign the Ozarks are due for a long and severe winter.

  9. Hi Marvin. Take care of them. It's -41C. here. At that temperature C & F are about the same.
