Saturday, February 23, 2013

2012 In Photographic Retrospect ( Part 3 ) At The Vermilon River.

This is the last of the retrospectives, although it was hard to curb my instinct to do a fourth in the series. I started with some long shots of  what I think is a Fisher ( based on size) on the River bank, hunting in late winter/early spring,although he could be a Wild Mink. The Wild Mink close ups shots were taken the previous fall at my favourite beaver pond.  These shots prompted a post on the whole family with some borrowed shots and a video of the smallest member, the Pine Marten, eating.  This post  is filled with photos, so click anyone to view the slide show.

A post to Id Rather Be Birdin,Our World Tuesday, and WBW. Opposite is the best shot. The others are for size.
Look how long this guy is.

Wild Mink with chin pink spot.


I caught this fox the day I forgot my cane. He was literally standing beside me on a parallel trail.
Eastern Kingbird.

Wild Strawberries.

Wood Lilly

Black Swallowtail

Common Mergansers.

Rusty Blackbird.


Female Common Goldeneye.


Geese in flight.

Winter Goldfinch

Belted Kingfisher.

Male Evening Grosbeak

Canada Goose and Gosling

Mallard getting her ducklings to safety.

The last one was a little slow.

Rose-breasted Nuthatch.

Osprey hunting.

Close up

Pine Sisken

Male Purple Finch in snow.

Side View.

Male Common Yellow Throat singing.

Reflection in wetland.

Wood Ducks on the big wetland.

Yellow Warbler.

Northern Flicker.

Winter Goldfinch.

Male Purple Finch.


Bohemian Waxwing contemplating another berry.

Blue Jay in winter wind

Upper River In fog.

Male Pine Grosbeak

Otter close up

Bohemian acrobat.

Black throated Green Warbler.

Common Mergansers.

Front view Male Pine Grosbeak

Boomer waiting.

Side view Black Throated Green Warbler.

A little smile never hurts.

Yellow Belied Sap Sucker.

White Breasted Nuthatch.

Northern Flicker.

A screaming Eastern Kingbird.

Bohemian Waxwing

Same after eating.



Birdsfoot Trefoil

White Breasted Nuthatch.

Muskrat showing tail

Bohemian Waxwing posing. 

Northern Crow in snow.

Crown Vetch.

Downy Woodpecker


Raven in Flight.

Eastern Kingbird.

Female Common Yellow Throat.

Front view of same.

Northern Flicker.

Male Evening Grosbeaks in the snow.

Male Evening Grosbeak, note the green beak a sign of summer.

A tundra flower.

Crow in snow.

Red Squirrel looking all cuddly

Redpolls in wind.


Frosty River bank

Sap Sucker in flight.

Wild Daisies 

Close up Yellow Belied Sapsucker. 

White Throated Sparrow.