A post to Id Rather Be Birdin,Our World Tuesday, and WBW. Opposite is the best shot. The others are for size.
Look how long this guy is. |
Wild Mink with chin pink spot. |
Same |
I caught this fox the day I forgot my cane. He was literally standing beside me on a parallel trail.
Eastern Kingbird. |
Wild Strawberries. |
Wood Lilly |
Black Swallowtail |
Common Mergansers. |
Rusty Blackbird. |
Dragonfly |
Female Common Goldeneye. |
Flycatcher. |
Geese in flight. |
Winter Goldfinch |
Belted Kingfisher. |
Male Evening Grosbeak |
Canada Goose and Gosling |
Mallard getting her ducklings to safety. |
The last one was a little slow. |
Rose-breasted Nuthatch. |
Osprey hunting. |
Close up |
Pine Sisken |
Male Purple Finch in snow. |
Side View. |
Male Common Yellow Throat singing. |
Reflection in wetland. |
Wood Ducks on the big wetland. |
Yellow Warbler. |
Northern Flicker. |
Winter Goldfinch. |
Male Purple Finch. |
Muskrat. |
Bohemian Waxwing contemplating another berry. |
Blue Jay in winter wind |
Upper River In fog. |
Male Pine Grosbeak |
Otter close up |
Bohemian acrobat. |
Black throated Green Warbler. |
Common Mergansers. |
Front view Male Pine Grosbeak |
Boomer waiting. |
Side view Black Throated Green Warbler. |
A little smile never hurts. |
Yellow Belied Sap Sucker. |
White Breasted Nuthatch. |
Northern Flicker. |
A screaming Eastern Kingbird. |
Bohemian Waxwing |
Same after eating. |
Scallop |
Beaver. |
Birdsfoot Trefoil |
White Breasted Nuthatch. |
Muskrat showing tail |
Bohemian Waxwing posing. |
Northern Crow in snow. |
Crown Vetch. |
Downy Woodpecker |
Dragonfly |
Raven in Flight. |
Eastern Kingbird. |
Female Common Yellow Throat. |
Front view of same. |
Northern Flicker. |
Male Evening Grosbeaks in the snow. |
Male Evening Grosbeak, note the green beak a sign of summer. |
A tundra flower. |
Crow in snow. |
Red Squirrel looking all cuddly |
Redpolls in wind. |
Redpoll |
Frosty River bank |
Sap Sucker in flight. |
Wild Daisies |
Close up Yellow Belied Sapsucker. |
White Throated Sparrow. |