.The weather is still changeable, alternating between cold, and warm temperatures. Mostly the skies are a sullen gray, except for the occasional surprise visit of the sun. We will have a virtually snow less Christmas
I heard recently on the CBC , public radio, that Tom Thompson's paintings are selling for record high amounts. Thompson in case you don't know is the lead painter of the Group Of Seven, a uniquely Canadian group of painters, who painted the Canadian Shield in revolt to the popular vogue of painters who were painting in the genre of the Lake District in the UK or Mediterranean scenes in Europe. The difference is of course in the light and ruggedness of the scene. Not putting me in the same class as Thompson, you can see the power in the white water shown here.

While the shield is unique to Canada, you can find the same ruggedness in other sites on the web, when photos of the sea, especially the Atlantic are shown. But in the shield it is common.

But I feel this ruggedness is part of the Canadian character. Also I feel we can not lose this aspect of ourselves. The photo on the right is of a Vermilon River wetland

Across from the wetland are side channels of the River, which flow quite rapidly.

More Fairy Lights of the Vermilon River Forest as the light passes through the frost.

This photo is a bit different as it's a piece of the above photo blown up to catch the highlight in the ice crystals.

What would the world be without these vain capricious creatures, the Blue Jay.

I actually think he's going to tell you here what life is all about.

All these photos are shot with the 70-300 lens at an ISO of 800 as the sky is so gray.

I was fortunate last week to get a visit from these Goldfinch.

There was a bit of sun and I forgot to change the white balance you can see how warm their plumage is.

I like the warming effect that the darker white balance gave.

These little guys are another of our winter birds that brighten the day.

Back again for another display of cuteness, the Red Squirrel.
Just a little gymnastic display this time. And for all that work, lunch. A Post to SWF @
http://skyley.blogspot.com/ and Camera Critters@
http://camercritters.blogspot.com/ and Scenic Sunday @
http://scenicsunday.blogspot.com/ And to everyone Season's Greetings from Boom and I at the Vermilon River.