Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Common Snipe, Birds, Otters At Play, and Scenes of the Vermilon River.

 I fear Indian Summer is over with a temperature drop to -3 C in the morning and a rise in the afternoon to 7 C. We're also experiencing a cold  rain, which is very close to snow. The photo opposite was taken on Boom's pre-sunrise walk. No wonder we scare people who suddenly see us emerging from the fog. Good thing there are no people.

 Most of the photos in this post were taken on days when Indian Summer was in full swing, as you can see from the shot opposite.


A Post to: I'd-rather-be-birdin'Our World Tuesday and Wild Bird Wednesday. Click on any one to redirect.

Blue Jay

Immature White Crown

Duck in flight.

Female Hairy Woodpecker

Geese on the River.

In flight hawk-Northern Harrier?

Immature White Crown.

Male Hairy Woodpecker.

Male Purple Finch

Sky reflection

 Common Snipe. The first time I've seen one.

Despite the rain, the leaves are still resplendent. I checked the web for an explanation of the leave colour change. The colours apparently are already in the leaves, but hidden by the green chlorophyll, the chemical which promotes photosynthesis. Once the temperature changes the chlorophyll leaves. The red colour comes from glucose left in the leaves which turns red in the sunlight. The brown in oak leaves is chemical waste.

Sun Rising.

Upper River.

Wood Ducks

 As I said earlier the Pine Siskens signal the arrival of fall. There were about fifty in this flock, and as with all Boreal birds are voracious feeders.
Blue Jay.

Pine Sisken

 Immature White Crowned Sparrow. Another sign of fall is the arrival of these fellows. They're a larger sparrow and quite spunky. The immature always looks to me like he has a Mohawk cut, which suits his aggressive nature. As with other birds of the Boreal, they feed on the ground and are voracious eaters.
Female Hairy Woodpecker.

Immature White Crown

As I explained earlier the Otter were at play. Nothing is more fun to watch then these clowns as they frolic in the wetland.
Pine Sisken

Common Snipe

Wood Ducks.

Pine Sisken

Wood Duck

River Otter

Pine Sisken


One of three trying to outdo one another.

Pine Sisken

Pine Sisken

Pine Sisken

Otter playing.

Pine Sisken

Pine Sisken

Pine Sisken

Pine Sisken

Pine Sisken

Sky in wetland.

Duck in flight

Blogger/Google has been a little better lately in allowing access to sites, but some are still hard to get into. The opposite is a frosty, foggy wetland.



  1. Wow! So many cute birds! I love them. :):):)

  2. Beautiful wildlife shots. I love your frosty, foggy scenes too. Say hi to Boomer!

  3. love all the beautiful reflections of the color. you got some great photos of the immature white-crown. so pretty! i've been happy to get a snipe here now and then. :)

  4. Beautiful, just beautiful. I love coming along on your photo journeys.

  5. Are all these birds close to where you live? I so like the reflections, and have always been fascinated with the way nature behaves with autumn leaf colours, the chlorophyll story was what I learnt so many years ago, ( in 1954!!!)and it is really good to be reminded what happens, thanks for sharing the story.Your temperatures are definitely cold,winter clothing will be on the menu for outdoor days. Greetings from Jean.

  6. I see common snipe almost every day Gary, but I would love to see wood duck and Canada goose more often (I almost never see them ;-) )... Beautiful set of pictures you got once again!

  7. Beautiful, beautiful bird photos, Gary! You know all the name of the birds too, not fair :-)

  8. Beautiful birds. You never fail to delight me.

  9. Very nice series of pictures.
    Have a nice week
    Yvonne & Raphael

  10. You always see so much on your walks with Boomer. From Findlay

  11. A snipe! A real snipe! (It used to be a hoax game when I was a kid...going on a snipe hunt.) I'd love to actually see one sometime. Wonderful pictures as always. I imagine Boomer is happy with the cooler weather.

  12. as always, such a feast of beautiful birds and scenery; I enjoy each one. The touch of autumnal colours glowing in the backgrounds of some jumped out at me too; well done Gary.

  13. The hawk does look like a northern harrier to me. So the pine siskins are on their way south? I will be looking for them. :)

  14. Beautiful reflections and photos. Love the birds, my favorite is the Snipe! Great post!

  15. The siskins will never make it down here to south Florida, but I'm looking forward to joining them in northern Illinois. Hope some more of those northern finches, grosbeaks, pipits, Snow Buntings and longspurs pay a visit to Illinois as well.

  16. Great series of photos. The autumn colors are beautiful. The trees in our bush (forest) are mostly not deciduous so we don't get colors like that.

  17. Beautiful series, the Pine Siskins are great to see. The colours in your area are just splendid.

  18. Another great series of pictures Gary, birds animals and landscapes.

  19. There is abundant life in the wild as your photographs so beautifully illustrate. You captured so many wondrous moments. That IS something to be thankful for!

  20. Hi,
    What chance to observe otters ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  21. I always come here for great nature images! Thanks for sharing...

  22. I always come here for great nature images. Thanks for Sharing

  23. Fantastic shots, all of them! As I commented before, we consider northern Ontario our home away from home.
    Our indian summer is over, too - last Wednesday was beautiful & balmy, and since then we've also had cold rain & several days of snow flurries.
    Those pine siskens remind me of a flock of cedar waxwings that came through & cleaned our mountain ash tree in no time at all. :) I got some shots of them & posted here:
    Happy belated Thanksgiving to you, and Boomer too!

  24. Always a pleasure to watch your nice photos!
    I love the wood duck pictures!
    Greetings Pia

  25. the little White Crowned Sparrow is gorgeous. :)

  26. Very nice collection Gary. I love the reflection photos...they are frame-hang-on-the-wall worthy photos.

  27. These are fabulous. Mr. Otter makes my day. And so do the birds.

  28. Beautiful shots. I love the change of seasons as the heat of summer gives way to the cooler air and snow. Especially after this fiery summer!

  29. Wonderful shots of all the birds Gary and congrats on the Snipe lifer!! I agree on the Northern Harrier, that white rump cinches it.

  30. Hi Gary, great assortment of birds and how magnificent are those water reflections too~

  31. Great set of shots - that first White-Crowned Sparrow is wonderful.

    Thanks for linking to WBW

    Stewart M - Australia

  32. Really beautiful images!
    Greetings Irma

  33. It is such a beautiful landscape you show in your pictures. And wonderful pictures of the birds and other animals that happens to come along. I wish you and Boom a great sunday!
